Português English
21, 22 e 23 de Setembro de 2023Natal - Rio Grande do Norte

Rules for Registration and Submission of Academic Works

Deadline for submitting academic works is until midnight on July 15, 2023.


All papers must be registered electronically using the online system available on the congress website (www.congresso-natal.com.br).

For the submission of the academic work, it is essential that at least one of the authors is previously registered for the event. If payment of registration for the event is not verified, the academic work will not be accepted for evaluation.

Submitted academic works must be unpublished.

Only the extended summary (2 pages) of the academic work will be submitted and not the full paper.

The extended summary of the academic work must contain 3 keywords and these will be essential for the correct allocation of the selected academic works in the presentation tables.

When submitting the academic work, the presentation category should be chosen from two types of sessions: a) Poster Presentation - this type of presentation is generally intended for academic works with partial results. The poster will be displayed in a space specially reserved for that, at a specific time. At least one author must be present during the exhibition schedule to discuss and answer questions from researchers interested in the topic; b) Oral Presentation - in this type of presentation the academic works are presented orally, for 15 minutes, in rooms with a projector, the sessions will have people responsible for coordinating the oral presentations of the academic works.

Unfinished works, with indefinite results and conclusions, will probably not be accepted for the oral presentation, only for the poster presentation, and even so with restrictions. Exceptions might be made in cases of academic work in progress related to unusual, exuberant, researches.

One of the authors must register on the congress website with a valid e-mail address and fill out the registration form and the academic work submission form.

Identification of the authors or institution of origin must appear in the words of the title of the academic work abstract sent, although when submitted to our committee, the authors and institution information will be removed from the title of the text. Since the evaluators will receive the works without access to the registration forms and to this information, so that the works are evaluated without the possibility of identifying the authors and institution of origin.

It is necessary to complete and submit the academic work submission form, as this will make it possible to identify the academic work abstract for evaluation.

The official language of the event is Portuguese. However, academic works written in English will also be accepted when the presenting author is a foreigner. If there is more than one academic work in a foreign language, they will be grouped in a specific session, emphasizing that there will be no simultaneous translation in this session. Spelling or typing errors, in both languages, will be taken into account in the evaluation process.

The presentation certificates for Brazilians will be removed from the congress website by the presenting author after the congress, for foreigners the certificates will be sent to the e-mail of the presenting author after the congress.

Under no conditions will the payment of the congress registration be refunded. The act of submission of the academic work is the express agreement with the rules of congress.

The organizing committee cannot contribute to travel and daily allowances to authors of approved academic work, there will also be no exemption from registration or retroactive discount to authors of approved academic work.

The evaluation of the academic work or individual grade for accepted or unaccepted academic works will not be published. Approved academic work will be posted on the congress website on a list entitled List of Approved Academic Works.

Considering that the evaluators of the works are high-level scientists selected by the conference coordinators according to their expertise in the area and the theme of the congress, the organization assumes the right not to disclose the name of the evaluators and will also not respond by e-mail and/or by telephone, to any requests regarding the evaluation of a submitted work.

The times set for the presentation of individual academic works cannot be altered.

Make sure that the informed e-mail is correct, as all information pertinent to the evaluation of the submitted academic works and to the congress will be sent to this e-mail address.

Only academic works that are compatible with the congress rules will be evaluated.



a) Mini-communications
RUnpublished report of one or more cases with justified reason for exposure, such as unusual clinical presentations and description of a new diagnostic method or a new scientific and/or therapeutic approach.

b) Research
Original and unpublished work covering controlled and randomized trials, tests, diagnostic and detection studies, descriptive, observational and intervention studies, as well as basic research.

c) Dissertation/Thesis
Unpublished original work which is the product of a master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, already defended or completed.



The contents of each work will be distributed among the main thematic areas of this congress. Legal Psychology (Investigative Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Criminal Psychology and Penitentiary Psychology) and also, Criminal Law, Legal Medicine, Forensic Nursing, Forensic Expertise, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Informatics, Criminal Technology and Public Security. The criterion for defining the thematic areas was based on relevant and recurring subjects in bibliographies and events in the referred areas of knowledge. When filling in the academic work submission form, the thematic area that most closely relates to the nature of the work should be chosen. Recalling, then, that the thematic areas are:

  • Juridical Psychology
  • Criminal Law
  • Legal Medicine
  • Forensic Nursing
  • Forensic Expertise
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Computer Forensics
  • Criminal Technology
  • Public Security



Title: Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, centered, single spacing between lines. Leave a line between the title and the name of the authors. The title of the academic work must be objective and informative, allowing appreciation of the subject addressed in the work.

Authors: Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, centered, single spacing between lines.

Affiliation-Institution: Times New Roman font, size 10, centralized, italic, single spacing between lines. Leave a line between the affiliation-Institution and the body of the text.

Academic Work Summary Text: Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, single spacing between lines and without additional spacing between paragraphs. It may NOT contain figures, tables, etc. Leave a line between the body of the text and the bibliographic references.

Bibliographic References: Times New Roman font, size 10, justified, single spacing between lines. It consists of the title “Bibliographical References” in upper and bold letters, with the main references used in the work (minimum 3 and maximum 5), numbered, in alphabetical order and typed according to the APA international standard.

The heading, prior to the title, must contain the following words: "III International Congress of Legal Psychology and Criminal Law", with Times New Roman font, size 11, centralized, single spacing between lines. Right below, without leaving a line saying: "September 21st, 22nd and 23th, 2023 - Natal/RN", with Times New Roman font, size 10, centralized, italic.

The insertion of figures and tables in the academic work summary will NOT be accepted.

The academic work extended summary should NOT contain abbreviations that are not standardized in the literature.

All academic work extended summaries are limited to a maximum of 2 (two) pages, which must be numbered, at the end of each page on the right.

Abstracts in A4 format with side margins, top and bottom, of 2.5 cm.

Files must be exclusively in WORD, as files submitted in another format may make it impossible for the evaluators to read and lead to the work being refused. PDF files or any other format that does not allow editing will be automatically deleted at the beginning of the evaluation phase, as we will need to remove the name(s) of the author(s) and the institution(s) to ensure anonymity when sending academic works to reviewers.

The academic work extended summary must contain: Introduction (current state of knowledge on the topic, the general objective and the specific objectives, justification); Methodology (research methods used in the study, material/case series, statistics); Results (which are the most relevant findings); Conclusions (must compare the results with the literature and include the limitations of the study).



In works with sponsorships, scientific and/or financial support, it is recommended to mention, for example: “This work received support from CNPq.”, “This work received support from CAPES.”, etc. Mentions should be made in a short sentence and placed one line below the authors' names, with Times New Roman font, size 10, centered, italic, single spacing between lines.

Sponsorship and support of any kind must be declared.

Event participants and authors of works are prohibited from disclosing or distributing promotional material from sponsoring companies at the congress.



Inform the name of the institutions involved in the work, acronyms, cities, states and country (eg. State University of Paraíba-UEPB-Campina Grande-Paraíba-Brazil).



The registered presenter/author must inform the total number of co-authors: at most one main author/presenter and up to three co-authors.

It is necessary to fill in the full name of the authors, defining the main author/presenter, the order of the co-authors and listing the institution to which each belongs at the time of the preparation of the academic work.

Limitation of authors: Each person may submit a maximum of 5 (five) works; 2 (two) as author/presenter and 3 (three) as co-author. In the case of foreigners, the same author limitation rules apply.

An electronic form must be used for each academic work submitted.



Works which do not comply with the rules established here will not be evaluated even if submitted.

ALERT TO AUTHORS: identical, duplicate or incomplete works will not be accepted due to inattention or improper use of the electronic system.

After the end of the academic work submission, it will no longer be possible to send/replace the file. From this date, corrections will only be accepted in the spelling of the names or order of authors, indicating presenter/author and institutional affiliation.

However, submission at the last-minute may be subject to congestion and errors, in this case, will not be corrected. Under no conditions will the inclusion or exclusion of author(s) be accepted after the final submission date. So, again, make sure that the entire process of sending the extended summary of the academic work is done correctly.



IMPORTANT: after evaluating the academic work summary, the author responsible for submitting the academic work summary will be notified, by the registered e-mail, of the approval of the work for presentation for POSTER PRESENTATION or for ORAL PRESENTATION. Approved academic work will also be posted on the congress website on the List of Approved Academic Works, within 30 days after the deadline for submission.

IMPORTANT: if the author of the academic work has not been notified by e-mail about the approval, within 30 days after the end of the submission, he/she must contact the event organizer immediately through the congress e-mail.

The Scientific Works Committee will verify that the work complies with the established norms and, if so, will send it to the evaluators, who will evaluate it anonymously and blindly, without the possibility of identifying the authors and their respective institutions, and according to a standardized criteria and notes, taking into account criteria related to originality, presentation, methodology and scientific/social contribution.

The work will be evaluated by 2 (two) evaluators and the final grade of the work will result from the average of the scores of these two evaluators.

IMPORTANT: the authors must be aware that there will not be any type of appeal regarding the process of evaluation for any work submitted to the III International Congress of Legal Psychology and Criminal Law.



An effort will be made to publish the academic works presented at the congress in an academic institution.

However, only the academic works actually presented will be published and not only those that have been selected and included in the Congress program.

Approved academic works will NOT be corrected or reviewed by the Organizing Committee and, if published, will be the way they were submitted to the congress, without editorial and graphic review. Thus, the correct writing, any errors in the file, publishing or data problems are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Requests for changes in title, authorship and text will not be accepted after submission.

It is important that in the submission the author tests whether the document containing the text is opening correctly and every care should be taken with the submission process.



The electronic system for registering and sending academic works will be available on the official website of the congress: www.congresso-natal.com.br

Deadline for submitting works is until midnight on July 15, 2023.

If your paper is not accepted for presentation, the amount paid for your registration will not be refunded under any circumstances, as previously specified here, since the services of the congress are already being paid during the year.

Clarification of doubts about submission and electronic forms can be sent to the congress e-mail.

The opinions and statements contained in the submitted works are the sole responsibility of their authors, and do not necessarily coincide with those of the Scientific Committee of the III International Congress of Legal Psychology and Criminal Law.

A MODEL for preparing the summary will be made available on the link below. Everyone should use this model, as this will be essential for standardization, preparation and recording of files.



Model for the Summary of the Academic Work, in Oral and Poster modalities

Model for presentation of the academic work for Poster Presentation